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Event: PAX Arena Street Fighter 5 Invitational
Game: Street Fighter V
Platform: Playstation 4
Date: 04/22/2016

Match Winner Loser Score Video
1 LI Joe KBrad Pending
2 HelloKittyRicky Moons Pending
3 Nuckledu Marn 3-2
4 Flash Metroid Sabin Pending
5 HelloKittyRicky Nuckledu 3-2
6 Marn LI Joe 3-1
7 Flash Metroid Moons 3-2
8 KBrad Sabin 3-1
9 KBrad Flash Metroid 3-2
10 Marn Moons 3-0
11 Nuckledu LI Joe 3-0
12 HelloKittyRicky Sabin 3-1
13 Nuckledu Moons 3-2
14 Sabin Marn 3-1
15 HelloKittyRicky KBrad 3-2
16 LI Joe Flash Metroid 3-1
17 HelloKittyRicky LI Joe 3-2
18 Nuckledu KBrad 3-2
19 Sabin Moons 3-1
20 Marn Flash Metroid 3-1
21 Sabin Nuckledu 3-2
22 LI Joe Moons 3-1
23 KBrad Marn 3-0
24 Flash Metroid HelloKittyRicky 3-1
25 HelloKittyRicky Marn 3-1
26 KBrad Moons 3-0
27 Sabin LI Joe 3-0
28 Nuckledu Flash Metroid 3-0